To look up accounts, the programmers did something like this: bool blnAccountExists =
Rather than factor that code out of the form into a seperate class, why not just invoke the code directly: ((frmMain)this.MDIParent).UpdateStatusBar(hstValues) Sometimes other forms needed to call methods on frmMain. It looked up accounts, printed receipts, dispensed cash, it did everything. Not all side-effects made sense for example, one of the form validation methods had a mysterious side effect of calculating over and short payments on loans for whatever account was stored Globals.lngAcctNum.Īlthough there were lots of forms, there was one form to rule them all: frmMain.cs, which contained a whopping 20,000 lines of code.

Every method modified 1 or more variables in the Globals class.
Side-effect free functions did not exist. Of the few which did, all parameters were passed as strings for convenience, regardless of what the string represented. I'd say 90% of methods took 0 parameters. Since the state of the entire application was readily accessible from global variables, the programmers found it unnecessary to pass parameters to methods. The keys for all of those hashtables was a “|” separated string.
To share an example of how to use the object model detailed above, consider Accounts: the original programmer created a seperate HashTable for each concievable property of an account: a HashTable called hstAcctExists, hstAcctNeedsOverride, hstAcctFirstName. It's amazing what kind of complex, Rube Goldberg-like data structures you can create using just ArrayLists, HashTables, and DataTables. Keep in mind, none of the data structures above are strongly typed, so you have to cast whatever mystery object you get out of the list to the correct type.

One class was called Globals.cs, which contained 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of public static variables used to hold the entire state of the application. Out of 130,000 lines of code, the entire application contained 5 classes (excluding form files). Unique features of this application included: The twisted logic used to write this application could have only been inspired by a Lovecraftian nightmare.

Why is this application evil? Because the sight of the source code was enough to drive a sane man mad and a mad man sane. My company had to re-write the entire app over the course of 12 months. The app crashed 40-50 times a day, and it simply couldn't be refactored into working code.
The application was written in C# it was a teller app, the same kind of software tellers use behind the counter whenever you go to the bank. To put it simply, my company inherited 130,000 lines of garbage from India. Completing the main game unlocks a treasure trove of bonus content, including wallpapers, concept art, a spectacular bonus chapter, and more.I've written about one application I've worked on before here and here. As you locate cleverly hidden objects, solve cunning puzzles, and complete challenging mini-games, you'll use the light within Emily to cleanse everything the infection has touched. Guide Emily as she explores three amazing worlds ruled by the members of the House, whom the darkness has possessed. Within moments, she goes from developing photos in her studio to fighting the greatest threat humanity has ever faced.

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